Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

Smile is Important for Us

Sumber gambar:

        Have you smile today? If not yet, let’s smile to anyone we love, anyone we care and let’s show to the world how happy we are today. Despite there are many problems that came to our way. Do you know why? Because smile have a lot of merits.

              A smile make you are more interesting. How is it happen? Yes, it is easy because more people interested with person who is always smile. If you don’t believe to me, you can try it. And you will feel anyone like you.
              A smile can change your mood. That is so amazing, is’nt it? Of course. When you are sad, your heart feel not good. But when you try to smile, your heart feel better and from that a smile will change your mood. Now,  I feel my mood often ugly. Problems make me  often angry. I don’t know why? But when I talk with my self to be patient and I must smile. So I smile, after that I feel better. And then, I think why I was angry? It will not finish problem but may be add problem.  
             A smile can stimulate people to smile to you too. I think, It is right. From my experience, whenever I smile to anyone so they will smile to me too. Because I believe, The one will fell more pleased with one that smile than not smile.  

             A smile can lower blood pressure. Do you know why? Because when you are angry, blood pressure must have been high and smile can drop him.  
            A smile can make your face younger. Like me, some people think that I still study in junior high school. Because I always try to smile. So a smile can lift my face and making me look younger.
              A smile can enliminate pain. A study proving the smiles could release endrhophin which is a compound that can relieve pain naturally. It will make you feel better and being a natural remedy. So, keep your healty with smile.

         It turns out the smile a lot of merits. So, try it with sincere smile. But remember, smile at the time and the right place, Ok!

Hehe, sekali-kali nge-post menggunakan bahasa inggris boleh kan? biar kelihatan seperti blog internasioal :D Banyak yang bilang, belajar bahasa inggris itu tidak sulit, asal dipraktikkan. So, mari belajar bersama-sama! Saya juga proses nih...  Agar semangat belajar (bahasa inggris), pilih materi yang menyenangkan atau yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari kita.
Perlu diketahui, tulisan ini merupakan isi dari naskah pidato saya ketika UTS matakuliah English for Special Purposes  semester 2, yaitu tentang "pentingnya tersenyum". Mari kita biasakan tersenyum, karena memiliki banyak manfaat! Tetapi ingat, senyum pada waktu dan tempat yang tepat ;)
Salam semangat..

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